Saturday 9 July 2011

K & Co

Hey everyone!

I told you it would be ages before I was blogging again properly! Anyway, hope you'll be pleased to hear that Belle is finally settling in, she's getting less needy & much more confident, so she's needing less attention. Good news for the blog!

So, to get us going, I thought I'd start with something a little unusual. I don't normally feature shops, outlets etc on here, but when I was contacted by the PR at K&Co, I couldn't keep it to myself! I feel like I've stumbled onto a fab little secret of the shopping world!

Obviously catalogues have been around forever (I remember my mum buying my first pair of Adidas trackie bottoms from Littlewoods!), but with now they are online too, the prices & choices are so much better than I ever remembered! Having a browse through K&Co & you can literally buy anything - even makeup!

One of the reasons this jumped out to me was due to the range of gym equipment & footwear. I had blogged a few weeks ago about my new Reebok Easytones and a few people had mentioned on Twitter, emails etc that they haven't found the right pair in sports shops. on K&Co there are far more styles available, even some which are exclusives to the brand, such as these ones. Hopefully the people who emailed me will find something they like there!

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