Sunday 18 December 2011

Chanel Lumiere Scultpee De Chanel

I nipped to the Chanel counter the other day to re-purchase their amazing loose face powder Poudre Universelle Libre in Clair and whilst I was waiting on the Sales Assistant finding me one, this caught my eye.

The Lumiere Sculptee De Chanel is a compact highlighting powder that claims to light the face with "an ivory halo sprinkled with golden and pearly particles".

The compact on display looked fairly mundane, just like a block of peach powder. I was about to turn my nose up, when the SA presented a brand new one to me. The intricate design is gorgeous, apparently inspired by a baroque-esque belt worn by Coco Chanel. It is one of these things of beauty that I knew I was going to buy, before I'd even swatched it. I'm SUCH a sucker!

So anyway, I swatched the one on display and the payoff was a gorgeous satin peach that didn't look at all glittery. I gave a nod of the head to the SA and the deal was done. Imagine how disappointed I was when I got mine home to discover it was a block of silver glitter!! Noooooo! Once I'd calmed down, I realised it was just overspray and a few swipes of a brush soon got rid. I don't know why brands bother with overspray, it just annoys me.

Don't be put off by how glittery it looks - this was pre-overspray removal

Now it's back to it's normal peachy satin non-glitter state, I have been using this across my whole face, not just as a highlighting powder. In fact, as a highlighter it's pretty cack, as it doesn't have anywhere near enough glow. But as a face powder, it's bloody incredible!! I was a bit worried it would be too sparkly, but it just gives the skin that beautiful finish that you'd pay £££'s in microdermabrasion for.

For me, this is a massive win. Unfortunately, it seems it's limited edition as it's part of the christmas collection. I'm seriously considering a couple of back-ups. I think it was £41, but it's a fairly hefty size that should last a while. Anything that can have that effect on my skin is worth it!


  1. It looks amazing indeed. I had to use all my strenght to exit Sephora without buying it but I'm already regretting it. I'm planning to visit the counter again this friday and if still available I'm going to buy it 'cause it's clearly fate.

  2. Wow! The design on the product looks beautiful! I think I might have to get my hands on this asap. :)


  3. This is absolutely beautiful. I had a brief stint working on counter for Chanel not long after this launched and I fell in love there and then. Hopefully Santa will have this waiting for me next week... x

  4. so beautiful tone!!!!! thanks for sharing!!!

  5. I don´t understand why you deleted all your videos, I liked a lot, please, please come back.
    ¡¡¡¡Happy new year!!!
