Some words of wisdom stick with us forever. They help us take risks ("only regret the things you don't do"), help us make wise decisions (do unto others....) and others just simply make it impossible for me to browse Vogue ads without scrutinising the styling to pinpoint the era of influence.
Last year, Sam (from Pixiwoo) pointed out during a lesson on makeup history, that almost any print ad will have drawn on a time in style history for it's inspiration. At the time, I casually flicked through a couple of magazines and thought 'hmmmm'. Now, it's become almost an obsession. I buy Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire et al and spend about 80% of my reading time scrutinising the ads, trying to work out which is the prominent era. Look below, you'll see she was right too...
Please excuse the shoddy quality of the pics, I took them all on my iPhone. All of these pics are from May 2011 Vogue (UK).
Louis Vuitton
A supremely modern take on the 20's. Check out those blacker than black lips & owl shaped eyes.
Still not convinced? How about that straight, downward facing eyebrow...
Marc Jacobs
The bright bold prints, the flares & the massive hats scream 1970's. But that's a dupe. Check out that makeup & you go straight back into the flapper 20's!

Some all-american 40's post-war babe?
Dolce & Gabbana
A red lip can sometimes be hard to pin-point. Tell tale signs of the period include tone of red, shape of the lips & the styling of the rest of the makeup. This one is verging on a sort of neutral modern basic red lip look, but the sexy sleepy eyes & strong arched brows are just a little too reminiscent of Monroe. I'm going with 50's.
Michael Kors
This could easily be dismissed as a pretty, glowing modern makeup, but the beachy hair & slightly brown lipstick kicks out 1990's to me.