Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Bobbi Brown Universal Foundation and Concealer Palette

As a working Makeup Artist, there are some products in my kit that need to be replenished on a fairly regular basis. Mascara is usually every couple of months but cream products, and in particular, foundation need to be done every 12 months.

Personally, I don't think anyone's face will fall off if you use a foundation that's over a year old (within reason!) but when it comes to products that I am responsible for putting on other people's skin, I need to be, well, responsible!

My replenishment is always in January and for the last couple of years, my base kit has predominantly featured Face Atelier (adore) and a mix of specialist matte foundations, MAC Face & Body and Bobbi Brown sticks (excellent for travelling). In 2010, on the Pixiwoo training course, I was able to use the Bobbi Brown Universal foundation palette and loved it. I tried to get hold of it for ages, but it was always a limited edition, not available on concession counters and eventually I just kind of forgot about it.

Bobbi Brown Universal Palette


I just happened to spot a tweet on Twitter in December from a fellow MUA, from which it transpired that these bad boys were (and still are) available as an online exclusive on the BB UK website! Hurrah!  I didn't want to wait & see if it was possible to get a pro discount, so it set me back the full cost of £185.

Obviously this is not a purchase for the average makeup bag, or even the most die-hard makeup junkies - the shade range in it would mean it's a complete waste of money for a person who would be just using it for themselves. But for those who know how awful it is to lug their kit up 13 flights of stairs at a hotel, only to find their liquid foundations have somehow, inexplicably exploded everywhere, this will be an absolute godsend.

The quality of the actual product contained is undoubtable - I've used BB stick foundations for years, both on clients and myself and I find they are so versatile. BB concealers are also lovely, very creamy with a good amount of coverage. To be honest - if you're considering purchasing this, you'll already be familiar with their products!

The layout is great and the actual palette itself is secure, feels weighty and good quality. I have a Bobbi Brown MUA lip palette also and the quality of the actual palette is very similar. It seals up very well, so there's little risk of it drying your palette out. It clicks together properly, so you don't need to worry about it popping open.

There's only 2 irritating things about it:

  • the concealers are not specified, so unless you know exactly which is which, you'll have to sit & work our what's foundation and what's a concealer. It doesn't seem to be as simple as assuming the smaller squares are concealers and the long ones are foundation...
  • there's an empty square on both sides! Why?? I can't find any explanation for this. I wouldn't depot anything else into them, so I don't know why they didn't just give a bit more product of a couple of the ones that are smaller squares. Makes no sense!!
Other than that though, I have nothing negative to say!






  1. Oh wow this is huge!
    It's amazing how much things add up when you consider the cost of each foundation!
    Charli @ Charli-dot-dot-dot.blogspot.com

  2. Oh my, there is so much in this. Amazing :)

  3. I own a couple of shades of the FAce atelier foundation, and I found it flashed back a little on photographs! IS it me only, or it's just a bad manipulation of the camera? What is you experience with those?

    1. oh - that's interesting, as it doesn't have any spf in it, specifically so it doesn't flash. I've always found its a beautiful photography foundation. Could it be anything else you were using? moisturiser, powder etc?

  4. Oooo wheet woo! I got some samples of bobbi brown foundations and they are an utter dream. Going to take the plunge and going for the foundation stick - the compact I have for my bag is too pale! x

  5. I can't resist a palette usually. there's just something aboiut everything in one place, like the petttiest paint tin from childhood, but being as I'm not a makeup artist, I think that I will manage to resist. Looks great though!

  6. do you know where i can get the palete? i really want it

  7. Much love,
    "You have a cool blog!

  8. this palette is amazing ! I try it out and is just brilliant !

  9. is this still abailable in the uk?

  10. The empty squares are for mixing colors.

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