**warning! complete fantasy post!**
If I was given free reign to run riot at Net-A-Porter, I wouldn't go for clothes. I wouldn't be interested in the latest addition to their designer boutique. I would head straight for the accessories tab, followed closely by shoes & handbags.
I love clothes (y'know, especially the fact that they keep me warm), but I'd much rather be in a pair of grey skinny jeans, a black t-shirt & a fabulous cocktail ring, than wearing the latest designer dress. Let's face it, fat days where nothing fits, or days when you just can't find the right thing to wear happen all the time but I've never had a bad accessory day! I am a total magpie for 'things', and whereas I am happy to wear a jumper from Primark, I like to invest in my accessories as I think they'll always be stylish (or at least ironically cool). One of my favourite things to do is surf for hours looking at stuff that kind of hits the mid-way almost touchable designer stuff. I own a couple of Vivienne Westwood pieces - I get that kick of buying something luxurious, but because it's say a small pair of earrings, it hasn't cost the earth.
Anyway, these next items are certainly not my kind of accessible! Listed below are a few things I came across on Net-A-Porter whilst trying to bag a McQueen scarf bargain. These are all items that I would literally need to win the lottery to buy (well, except for the scarf... that's on my genuine 'real-life' wishlist. And it wont go away, not matter how hard my husband tries to convince me that one from Dorothy Perkins will be just as good...)
(all pics from Net-A-Porter.com)
I first fell in love with this in Vegas, although the one I tried was purple & turquoise but I haven't been able to find that here. I wish I'd just bloody bought the thing in the States as it has been haunting me ever since. Now I'm home, it feels like a much more 'serious' purchase. But it is firmly on my 'one day I will really have this' list.

I am a complete & utter stationery geek. I love pens, pads, notebooks - anything that makes me feel like I could, at any moment, compose a beautiful letter, write a song, sketch a picture or simply note inspiring thoughts... I have recently upgraded from the Personal Finsbury Filofax to the A5 Finsbury & spent most of Christmas Eve on the Filofax website choosing which inserts were essential to keep me organised - starting to get the picture?
Until yesterday, I didn't know such a thing existed and today I can barely sleep, unable to understand how my life will be complete without this in it. I might even want it more than the scarf. No! Yes!... aargh I don't know!
Growing up I never had a barbie (I wasn't deprived - I was only interested in climbing trees). So the natural order & justice of the world dictates that it would be perfectly acceptable at 28 to spend £100 on one that wears mini Louboutins, no?

I hate myself for how much I secretly love this.

If these ever were to cross my palm, I think I would probably frame them. In a giant frame. I don't think I could bring myself to play with them!

And finally, something I spotted a while ago; it makes my heart skip a beat. I don't know why, because I don't even think it's particularly pretty, but it's so friggin cool!

I know, I know, you're thinking £14,600??!! Is she kidding? But, if that is a little out of your budget, then you can have a
pink lacquer one for only £980.

So I know that isn't about makeup, but I probably love accessories just as much. If you enjoyed this, leave me a comment & maybe I'll do posts on shoes & bags too!
Love A xx