Friday, 12 November 2010

New Video...


Another request from Twitter saw me filming this video...


  1. Just watched your vid! I didn't realise you were Scottish woohooo! Where abouts are you from? I'm a Glasgow girl! The look you did is gorgeous! I love love love Sleek shadows but I have the same issue with fall out. I had it all over my chin yesterday! Nightmare! xxx

  2. I am! I'm from Fife originally but have lived in Aberdeen pretty much for 10-11 years now! I think for £6 you cant complain, but it really is a pain the arse! x

  3. Holy Crep!! your eyes look so blue!! gonna go watch your video now! :D

  4. Really great video, I like the fact that it all works so well. Each time I see your videos reminds me about the Coco Beau brush. Like the hair very much, it seems to give a bit of texture. Thankyou for this. Jan x

  5. you look gorgeous, and I envy your eyebrows!

  6. Fantastic vid! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. You have eyes to die for ;-)
