I got sent* this product about 3 months ago and I'm only writing about it now as I didn't want to just try it once or twice, decree I loved it, for it to fail me after a week.
There wont be any 'before or after' pics of my naked eye, A because I'm not that brave and B I don't think the camera picks up all that well the results. They are there, it's just difficult to really see in a flat photo. Ok...

This is what they say:
This ground-breaking product will not only reduce puffiness, but is clinically proven to help shift those stubborn dark circles.
The cooling formula also refreshes, while on a deeper level oligopeptides work to restructure, repair and smooth the skin. Featuring a gentle SPF15, glamtox eye light protects this fragile skin against any further damage.
- Instantly illuminates the eye area
- Reduces puffiness
- Restructures and repairs the delicate eye area
- Gentle spf to prevent sun damage
- Diminishes fine lines and wrinkles
This is what I say:
One of my biggest problems is puffiness in the morning. I've never figured out what it is - is my room too hot at night? Do I drink enough water? Who knows! But this really helped. It hasn't prevented puffiness re-occuring, but following application, there is without a doubt a reduction in the puffy appearance, especially across my top lids. It is particularly useful for when I am about to film a YT video; I often pop a little bit of this on about 10 mins before and I always feel happier with how my eyes look (especially now I've gone HD!). So for puffiness, this gets a tick!
Dark circles is my second, most persistent complaint. I don't generally have 'bags' under my eyes, but there is a distinctly dark blue (almost bruised) look under my eyes, that I've pretty much found is impossible to do anything with. Like the puffiness, I've found this really helps on a temporary basis. It hasn't reduced my blue shadows, but it definitely improves the appearance of them. It seems to lift the blue out, so the shadows are still there, but much less intense - once the blue goes away, it's just a kind of pinky area that remains and it's much easier to deal with.
I haven't noticed an improvement in the lines around my eyes, but thankfully I do have very very few. There are one or two, but these aren't fine. They've been there most of my life, so I can't expect any cream to deal with these deep ones!
Would I recommend it? This is a toughie. It costs £92. If you took price out of the equation, I'd say yes yes yes! It does exactly what it says on the tin! It's cooling, it smells nice, it works & the packaging has a luxe feel about it. But that's why it costs £92. So I'm going to say, if you're under 30, don't bother. I don't think this is the cream for you. If you are upwards of the 30 mark and are starting to notice things departing southwards, then this might be something you want to consider. I can't tell you to spend £92, but I can tell you it works. It's up to you, I guess, to decide if £92 is worth sorting your eyes out for! If you're like me and continually on the hunt for products that work, then you will have already spent £100's on other creams that have ended up in the bin, so this might just be the investment you are looking for.
A x
How long does it last? If it lasts 6 months its not so bad xoxox
ReplyDeleteI'm always on the look out for something to improve my under-eye area, i have awful shadows (the same 'blueish' type) and puffiness on a morning. Maybe i will consider this, like you say if we've already spend a furtune on trying this and that, is £92 really that bad for something that works? I've tried all sorts of products and potions over the years - really i just need a miracle, hehe!
ReplyDeleteI'm your newest follower btw, i've been reading your blog through your twitter links so assumed i was already following - obviously not!!
Jo xoxo
in Space NK it's only £50!!!!