After I posted a few days ago about my new UD Big Buddha Brush, one of my 'followers' suggested a post about some of my other fave brushes. So here it is! I've had to split this into 2 parts so it isn't one mammoth post. Part 2 tomorrow...
Foundation Brushes
I love everything about using a foundation brush. I love the coverage it gives you. I love the even-ness of the coverage. I love the fact it means I'm not smearing my fingers all over my face (for someone with oily, spotty prone skin this alleviates the guilty thought that 'touching my face makes my spots worse...) and I especially love the fact that it means I don't have foundation all over my fingers & hands. My MAC 190 (I think that's the right number!) is brilliant - the bristles are packed in so the brush is super soft but super firm. The R&M Brush pictured is rubbish for a full, smooth application as the bristles are too long and floppy, but is good for gently buffing in small circles for a lighter coverage.

Bronzer & Blusher
I use the GOSH brush for dusting bronzer over my face - I think when it's for bronzer, the bigger the better the brush. Some may disagree but I like to eliminate the chance of any streaks. A big fat powder brush should do this. The Benefit brush is what I use for popping some blush on the apples of my cheeks or for contouring. The angle brush is great and I have a couple.

Eyeshadow Brushes
I have dozens of variations of E/S brushes. I don't feel it's something I care to spend a lot of money on and tend to find that as long as the bristles are soft and don't shed all over my face, it'll do. MAC 249 is excellent as it's massive and is great for giving a wash of colour across the whole lid. The UD brush is a medium size and the QVS (which was only about £2 from Superdrug!) is small which is great if you either have small eyelids or want a bit more of a precise application.

Eyeshadow Blending Brushes.
Good for blending out hard lines on your lid or good for adding shadow, definition or a contour into your socket. Find one that you like and buy a few - blending brushes shouldn't really add colour, so having a few clean ones available when trying to smoke up an eye is a must! The REVLON brush is quite fat and is great just for softening hard edges. The GOSH brush is brilliant and adding definition to the socket and blending and I have 4 of these.
